The beautiful truth about happiness and well being

You don't have to find it. It's already here.

This world sometimes feels like it wants to make you believe that everything worth wile needs a lot of work and effort. I don't have to tell you that living in the civilised world comes with a whole barrage of expectations you think you have to fulfil because that's what you do. Once you've worked your way up the ladder of your so called "career", you soon come to realise that happiness has become an ever fleeting enigma, always disappearing on the horizon when you thought you'd finally got it.

And when I said "Happiness is the absence of the search of happiness" in my last newsletter, I was not only talking about stopping the pursuit, I was also talking about moving out of resistance as well. For a long time I thought happiness is this uber ecstatic state of mind. Today I believe that happiness is much more like contentment. If you can be content in the now, you have found happiness. Because happiness as well as health are the default state of life. Struggle, hardships and disease are temporary deviations from the equilibrium of homeostasis.

Isn't it beautiful to know that the only thing you "have to do" to be healthy and happy is to unclog the drain? To remove all of the resistance to the natural state of being? Through my own journey I came to understand that you can't just decide to be happy now. You can't always just crack a stupid joke and pretend that everything's ok. The old adage of "fake it till you make it", doesn't work when your body is out of balance because your gut and your brain is inflamed. If you want to get back into balance you need to remove resistance on all levels of the trinity of body, mind and spirit.

Life is simple in the end, but not easy. It's not easy to learn how to heal your body completely. It's not easy to identify all of the dysfunctional beliefs that hold you back from experiencing happiness in this moment. It's not easy to uncover all the childhood trauma, especially when you think you had a good childhood. There might be a nagging voice that tells you you haven't earned it, because you haven't received the love that you needed from your parents.

Resistance to what it is, is creating fractals of reality. Much like looking through a kaleidoscope, the experience of states of being that are not the equilibrium-state are just a mind trick. It's not our fault. We are just doing what generations before us have taught us. You learned to fight these states and create even more resistance. You learned to be hard on yourself, when all you needed is to be kind to yourself. The fighter that we need to be is creating love and kindness in a war that is none.

Try to ask yourself in which ways you are resisting your own well being when you start off into this week. In which areas of your life are you not allowing yourself to be fully present and kind to others? Do you see opportunities to create little bits of time with people you love this week? What's a truth you are hiding from? What's your favorite excuse for not doing something you'd love to do? What's the one limitation you are always fighting for? Resistance comes in many forms and most, if not all of it, is home made. Let go of that shit and shine bright you crazy diamond.

Much love,
