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Breaking Free: Embracing Authenticity on the Path to Fulfillment

Navigating Uncertainty, Overcoming the 'Working Class Mindset,' and Crafting Your Own Journey

Let me take you back to the beginning, a time when I stepped tentatively into the world of freelancing, feeling both exhilarated and anxious. It was a radical shift, a transition from the predictable comfort of being an employee to the uncertain yet liberating realm of freelancing. As I ventured into this uncharted territory, anxiety gnawed at me—it wasn't just about mastering a new trade but about transforming my entire identity.

For years, I grappled with this newfound freedom and the weight of uncertainty that came with it. The fear of not immediately securing another project upon completing one became a constant companion. It took me years to shed the anxiety that gripped me whenever I found myself in between projects, uncertain of what the future held. It was a daunting cycle, one that seemed unending until a pivotal moment about two years ago.

It was then that I made a conscious decision—to break free from the shackles of the "working class mindset." This mindset had tethered me to the belief that my value was solely measured by someone else's validation and the hours I dedicated to someone else's cause. It ingrained in me the notion that my worth was tied to a paycheck and the applause of others. I realized I was merely selling my time as a mercenary, not building a life that truly resonated with who I am.

The paradigm shift came when I recognized that I didn't want to be confined to the belief that I needed someone else to pay me for my worth. I yearned to craft my own path, to build something that wasn't just about trading time for money but about creating value on my terms.

Now, stepping into the unknown isn't merely about overcoming personal fears but about navigating the skepticism and apprehension of those around you. It's about mustering the resilience to forge ahead despite the absence of unanimous approval. The pursuit of authenticity and genuine fulfillment demands a willingness to stand alone, to embrace the discomfort of being misunderstood, and to draw strength from within when external support seems scarce.

“Just relentlessly, ruthlessly, shamelessly, powerfully pursue the life you’re supposed to live. And don’t wait for the applause. Don’t wait for a lot of approval. You’ll get a lot of approval if you choose mediocrity. You’re going to get a lot of approval if you choose the status quo. You’ll get a lot of approval if you choose the ordinary. And if you decide to break the status quo to be extraordinary, to be unexpected, you’ll have fewer people cheering you on. But you’ll actually live a life that will inspire other people to live their life as well.”

Erwin McManus

The applause and validation often accompany conformity. Choosing the ordinary and adhering to the status quo might earn you a multitude of nods and praises, but it seldom leads to a life that's truly extraordinary. It's in the pursuit of the unconventional, the audacious leap into uncharted territories, that the path to genuine fulfillment and self-discovery unfolds.

Yes, pursuing the life that's authentically you demands a certain audacity—the audacity to relentlessly, ruthlessly, and shamelessly chase your dreams. It requires the unwavering commitment to your vision, even when the cheers of encouragement are scarce. It's a path illuminated by your own passion, drive, and unyielding belief in your purpose.

Remember, the extraordinary journey you embark upon is not solely for personal gratification. It's a beacon of inspiration for others who dare to embrace their authenticity and carve their unique paths. Your courage becomes the catalyst for their aspirations, your resilience a testament to the power of unwavering determination.

So, embrace the uncertainty, cherish the discomfort, and forge ahead boldly. The pursuit of an authentically fulfilling life might not be met with unanimous applause, but it will echo through generations, inspiring countless souls to embrace their uniqueness and chart their own course towards genuine fulfillment.

Break free,


Before You Go...

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My mission

My mission is to empower people to discover their true selves by freeing them from the mental and social constraints that hold them back, and to assist them in becoming their best selves.

Jan's Recommendations

Readwise: I love reading and enjoy using a variety of devices, such as my Kindle, physical books, phone, and computer. Previously, I used Evernote to store my notes from books, but it was time-consuming to maintain and not very effective for reviewing the material. Readwise is a helpful tool that connects to my Kindle and automatically saves all of my highlights.

Additionally, I can use a web clipper to save information from the internet. I receive regular emails with randomly selected highlights, which serve as helpful reminders of the key points from my reading. This helps me retain more knowledge and not quickly forget most of what I've read. Overall, Readwise has been a great resource for deepening my understanding of the material.

Disclaimer: The links provided for the products mentioned in this list are referral or affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission if you choose to purchase the product. Thank you for your support.

FREE e-books & guides

The Anxiety Playbook is a comprehensive guide on anxiety, born from my personal journey through years of anxiety and depression. It covers various anxiety types and their impacts, offering strategies like relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy. It also provides guidance on managing anxiety, and emphasizes self-care, a support network, and emotional connection for coping. This book reflects my experiences and aims to help others understand and manage anxiety effectively.

Resolving trauma with the help of memory reconsolidation. Embark on a journey of self-healing with our digital guide on memory reconsolidation. Explore transformative steps to address past trauma independently. Dive into reflection, identify limiting beliefs, and craft empowering narratives. This guide, while supportive, emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help for deeper trauma. Start your healing journey today.

Dive Deeper with a Coaching

On my journey through the dark night of the soul I had many great teachers and mentors on my side. I spent thousands of Euros (and still do) on coachings and every cent was worth it. I don't think I would have been able to turn my life around so quickly without the help of these amazing people. The value you are receiving from working on removing emotional blocks, limiting beliefs and toxic thinking, can't be measured in money.

Most people only need 6 sessions in 3 months to generate dramatic outcomes in their lives. It's not like I teach them new things or have a bullet proof process. Quite the opposite is true. I believe that structure and process can help, but in most cases you're limiting life and all of its wonderful ways to create miracles for you. I am working on an intuitive level and combine all of my experience and knowledge from freeing myself.

What my clients are saying about working with me

Clara, Startup Founder: "Through his own very real ordeal and great listening skills I felt understood and that he was able to level with me in a way that felt authentic and unlike other help I’d previously sought in this area. I was inspired to pursue my own happiness (not overnight) and today can say, nearly two years on, living in a different country with a life full of love and running my own company - doing something I love - I’m really glad we met."

Felix, Startup Founder: "Jan is an extraordinary human being and an outstanding coach. Through our coaching, he helps me tremendously with personal growth and always has practical guidance at his hand."

Zahid, Startup Founder: "Jan is an incredible listener. Through several conversations with him, I have gotten a huge amount of clarity about where I’m looking to go with my business, and how I can overcome personal and professional challenges."