The Power of asking "Who Am I?"

Moving Beyond Meditation and Breathwork

As a business owner, I was caught up in existential worries when my business wasn't doing well. Despite trying various techniques like meditation and breathwork, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease and dissatisfaction. It was then that I stumbled upon the profound question, "Who am I?" - a concept introduced by Sri Ramana Maharshi, a renowned spiritual teacher. To my surprise, this question had a deeper impact on me than any other meditation or breathwork practice I had tried before. In this blog post, I will explore why asking the question "Who am I?" can be more powerful than traditional meditation and breathwork practices.

Going Beyond Surface-Level Techniques

While meditation and breathwork can be effective in calming the mind and relaxing the body, they often focus on techniques and practices that are external to oneself. They may involve following a particular method or pattern, focusing on the breath, or observing thoughts without delving into the true nature of self. However, the question "Who am I?" goes beyond these surface-level techniques and directs the attention inward to explore the essence of one's being.

Challenging the Sense of Self

The question "Who am I?" challenges our conventional notion of self, which is often based on our identification with the physical body, thoughts, emotions, and roles we play in society. By repeatedly asking this question, we are encouraged to investigate and question our assumptions about our identity. This inquiry can lead to a profound realization that our true essence is beyond the limitations of the body and mind, and that we are more than just our thoughts, emotions, and roles.

Inviting Direct Self-Inquiry

Meditation and breathwork often involve focusing on an object or a particular technique, which can create a subtle separation between the practitioner and the object of focus. However, the question "Who am I?" invites direct self-inquiry, without any external object or technique. It encourages us to turn our attention inward and explore our innermost being, without any filters or intermediaries. This direct self-inquiry can lead to a deeper understanding of our true nature and essence.

Exploring the Root of Existential Questions

Existential questions such as "Who am I?" and "What is the meaning of life?" are fundamental inquiries that have puzzled human beings for centuries. While meditation and breathwork may provide temporary relief from existential concerns, they may not directly address the root of these questions. However, asking the question "Who am I?" directly confronts the core of our existential dilemma and encourages us to explore the nature of our self and existence at a profound level.

Encouraging Self-Realization

Asking the question "Who am I?" with sincerity and earnestness can lead to a process of self-realization, where we gradually uncover the layers of conditioned beliefs, identities, and attachments that have shaped our sense of self. This self-inquiry can lead to a deeper understanding and acceptance of our true essence, beyond the transient nature of the body, mind, and ego. It can also foster a sense of liberation, freedom, and inner peace as we come to realize our true nature as pure consciousness or awareness.


As I reflect on the various tools for relaxation, stress reduction, and self-awareness, such as meditation and breathwork, I am reminded of the unique and powerful approach of asking the question, "Who am I?" This inquiry challenges our conventional notion of self and invites us to engage in direct inner exploration. It delves into the root of existential questions and transcends the limitations of the body and mind, allowing us to uncover the essence of our being.

Hearing similar insights from spiritual teachers and psychotherapists is common, but it was a certain "aha" moment for me when I truly grasped the concept that even the thoughts I think are not the "I". When I asked myself this profound question with this understanding, I experienced tingling sensations all over my body. It was a realization that I am not just this body, but rather the observer, the seer, the energy that transcends death. This deeper understanding of myself has brought a new perspective and a visceral acceptance of this concept.

You can read the book for free here!

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My mission is to empower people to discover their true selves by freeing them from the mental and social constraints that hold them back, and to assist them in becoming their best selves.

Jan's Recommendations

  • Readwise: I love reading and enjoy using a variety of devices, such as my Kindle, physical books, phone, and computer. Previously, I used Evernote to store my notes from books, but it was time-consuming to maintain and not very effective for reviewing the material. Readwise is a helpful tool that connects to my Kindle and automatically saves all of my highlights. Additionally, I can use a web clipper to save information from the internet. I receive regular emails with randomly selected highlights, which serve as helpful reminders of the key points from my reading. This helps me retain more knowledge and not quickly forget most of what I've read. Overall, Readwise has been a great resource for deepening my understanding of the material.

  • My favourite reads (constantly updated)

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FREE e-book

The Anxiety Playbook is an article that provides a comprehensive overview of anxiety and its effects. It explains the different types of anxiety and outlines the physical, psychological, and social impacts that it can have. Strategies for reducing anxiety are provided, including relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Additionally, the article explains how to get help for anxiety and provides tips for managing it. Finally, the importance of self-care, creating a supportive network, and staying connected to one’s emotions is emphasized to help readers cope with anxiety. Through this article, readers will gain a better understanding of anxiety and how to effectively manage it.

Dive Deeper with a Coaching

On my journey through the dark night of the soul I had many great teachers and mentors on my side. I spent thousands of Euros (and still do) on coachings and every cent was worth it. I don't think I would have been able to turn my life around so quickly without the help of these amazing people. The value you are receiving from working on removing emotional blocks, limiting beliefs and toxic thinking, can't be measured in money.

Most people only need 6 sessions in 3 months to generate dramatic outcomes in their lives. It's not like I teach them new things or have a bullet proof process. Quite the opposite is true. I believe that structure and process can help, but in most cases you're limiting life and all of its wonderful ways to create miracles for you. I am working on an intuitive level and combine all of my experience and knowledge from freeing myself.

What my clients are saying about working with me

Clara, Startup Founder: "Through his own very real ordeal and great listening skills I felt understood and that he was able to level with me in a way that felt authentic and unlike other help I’d previously sought in this area. I was inspired to pursue my own happiness (not overnight) and today can say, nearly two years on, living in a different country with a life full of love and running my own company - doing something I love - I’m really glad we met."

Felix, Startup Founder: "Jan is an extraordinary human being and an outstanding coach. Through our coaching, he helps me tremendously with personal growth and always has practical guidance at his hand."

Zahid, Startup Founder: "Jan is an incredible listener. Through several conversations with him, I have gotten a huge amount of clarity about where I’m looking to go with my business, and how I can overcome personal and professional challenges."